Diverse Rekords
This is the ugly home of Diverse Rekords. Just alittle insight on our bands and who and what, we promote.

Diverse Rekords
Front | Bands | Promoted Bands | The Deal | DR Street Team | Interview With Josh
Diverse Rekords is located in Whittier Ca. It's a nice little place with tons of mexican resturants. Very good to eat when on a break. Well, this site will basically give info on the bands we support and that are on the label.

As you all know RADIO SUCKS and Diverse Rekords goiong to throw a "Radio Sucks" show sometime soon. DR has three bands lined up for recording. So we have our hands full until thats done.

Monkeyfraud and Brak in studio:
Brak is going to be recording in the DR studios soon. Then MF will be in there next.
News on brak:
Even though everyone seems to love the name "Brak", Brak is going to change there band name. Brak's lead singer josh says: "I've always liked are name, but it doesn't express how we are musically. So we have decided to change the name to a more fitting name".
