Interview With Josh From Brak
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Diverse Rekords

Interview With Josh

DR: hey josh, how ya doing man?
Josh: I'm ok
DR: Everything going good?
Josh: life is going pretty good
Josh: got a band
Josh: got a girl
DR: Cool, Well, i just want to thank you for doing this interview with us today man
DR: A band and a girl is always good
Josh: yes it is
DR: So first off, i heard you guys are changing your name, is that true? and what to?
Josh: yeah that is true we thougth that brak was to happy so we wanted to change it to something a little more sutibal for our band and we came up with uncoultured swime
DR: Well that's cool
DR: So it's Uncoultured swime?
Josh: yeah man
DR: Pretty sweet, so when do you guys expect to start recording your new album?
Josh: i think we are gunna start at the end of jan.
DR: Sweet i can't wait to hear it
DR: So you guys gonna do any changing in band members
DR: Adding any?
Josh: yeah some time in the future we will
Josh: we wanna add like keys or a horn
DR: That's rad. So how many tracks do you exspect to have on the new album?
Josh: about 13
Josh: we have 10 now
DR: It's known that Monkeyfraud is in the studios now, are you going to play any shows with them during studio time, besides the "The Radio Sucks Show"?
DR: Before the albums are done
Josh: i want to, i dont really think that we will have the chance to cause there is only a few places for no name bands to play and they are all booked up
Josh: but if we get a show we will play it
DR: Are you thinking touring with Monkeyfraud in the far future?
Josh: oh yeah
Josh: that would be the best time ever
DR: Yeah it's known you guys have a good realtionship
DR: you and Will being best friends
Josh: our band are really colse and to be on the rode with my best friends would be rad
Josh: yeah will is my best friend
DR: It really means something when 2 bands that don't sound anything like eachother can play a show together and have a huge effect on everyone
Josh: yeah it is
Josh: i think its cause both of us have a really diverse sound
DR: So alot of people love you guys for your sound that's alot different from everyone else. Are you guys going to continue to write more songs like that or is that just one side of you guys?
Josh: that is just one side of us, our newest song is all metal but we really like out old school funk kinda sound so we just write what sounds good to us
Josh: hoping some might like it
DR: So you must like being on a label that doesn't force you to play certain music or sell out or dree a certain way.
DR: Are you guys ever thinking of adding a guitarist?
Josh: that is the best thing ever Diverse Rekords is like the greatest like you said the dont do any of that crap the big co. do i like being on it
Josh: we might if we find someone who is cool with our style
Josh: but we kinda think that guitars dround out the sond of music
DR: Will, has been talking about making you a big part of diverse Rekords in the future
DR: You looking to do that too?
Josh: man i cant wait to do that i'd be apart of it now but we live like 3 hours a part so it's hard for me to do anything for diverse rekords now
DR: Yeah that's understandable
Josh: yeah i sucks
DR: you plan on doing any vocal tracks on the monkeyfraud album
Josh: i really hope i can and i want will to do some vocals on our album also
DR: that would be cool
Josh: oh yeah
DR: Well man i want to thank you for doing this interview
DR: it's been fun dude
Josh: no prob
Josh: yes it has
DR: So i can't wait to hear the new album
DR: You guys take care and have fun doing what you love.

Time: 12:01

Date: 1-1-02