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Diverse Rekords

These are the bands on Diverse Rekords

Monkeyfraud - A fast alternative-metal band from Orange County. The band is known for it's fast, loud, fun, energetic, music. Monkeyfraud is recording there new album with Diverse Rekords.
A band that is mostly known for there different sound. Brak is mostly an "old school" type band. With fast pace music and deep lyrics Brak can drive home the piont. Look out for there new album soon.
A really funny comic band that makes no sense and doesn't care either. Boozers whole idea is to make people laugh and realize that being serious all the time is gay. Be sure to hear there new cd "Fight The Dragon".
Star 69
A fast punk band from Corona
Band From OC. ALot like Larger Than Life and Lucky 7
